Reviews by andregurov

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Better than expected

The game got savaged upon release, but it is a very good squad-based command tactical shooter. It runs smoothly and is actually pretty fun, especially if you are into XCOM and can appreciate the story.

by andregurov, USA - Jul 29th 2016

Wasteland 2: Director's Cut

Reminds of Fallout

Not the new Fallout - post Fallout 3 - but the old ones. Very dark, very text-ish, very fun. Great game that runs great on an iMac.

by andregurov, USA - Jul 25th 2016

Square Heroes

Quick playing game that is easy to play!

I got to spend some time playing this on Mac before it made it to the Mac Game Store, and it is loads of fun. Your little square gets to zip around and beat on, shoot, incinerate, and explode the opposition! There is a surprising amount of skill and strategy to get good at it - knowing what weapons to pick up and when to turn tail vs. fight - and you can easily sink more time than you realize into it. Well worth the price, and more the bargain when on sale!

by andregurov, USA - Jun 24th 2015

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