Reviews by BenS

Might & Magic X - Legacy Deluxe Edition

Here's hoping for another game like this

One of the few games I've ever played through 3x. In this case, I wanted to play all 12 race/class combos. Each game was very enjoyable, as the "prestige class" advancement and quests were almost always worthwhile (except the Runepriest, oddly enough, whose signature special ability I never used).

I really enjoyed the turn-based combat; the lore of the game; the art assets from previous games as well as painted art for this game; the variety of foes; the quests galore; all the optional things to do; boss fights; and the leveled relics especially. I really hope this team learns from a few mistakes (graphic optimization and lag on the open map sometimes) and puts out another game like this. Ideally in the same world.

Once I ran this in 32-bit mode like recommended, I had no major issues at all. Restart-type bugs were extremely rare.

by BenS, USA - Aug 25th 2014

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