The Sexy Brutale is a Murder-Mystery Adventure developed by Cavalier Game Studios and Tequila Works. Inside The Sexy Brutale casino mansion is a never-ending masked ball featuring intrigue, murder and the (quite possibly) occult. Players must slowly discover the truth behind the secrets of The Sexy Brutale and its inhabitants, who are reliving the same day over and over again - trapped in a nightmare loop from which they cannot escape!
THE SEXY BRUTALE ® and © 2017. Game and software © 2017, Cavalier Game Studios Limited. All Rights Reserved.
THE SEXY BRUTALE and related logos, characters, names, and distinctive
likenesses thereof are the exclusive property of Cavalier Game Studios Limited.
Published and distributed by Tequila Works S.L. Tequila Works ® is a trademark and/or registered trademark of Tequila Works S.L. All Rights Reserved.
Unity ® is a trademark or registered trademark of Unity, Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere
All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners.
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