3 Games, barely worth the price.

The RIP trilogy may seem like value, but the fact of the matter is there's barely one game worth of content here to begin with. I will say it's interesting to look at the package as a whole since the game evolves with each installment to become a decent game by the end.
RIP 1 is a top-down turret game, you stay in one place fending off waves of enemies or surviving as long as possible. RIP 2 becomes a top-down twin stick shooter, but little else changes. RIP 3 is the most fleshed-out of the 3 games, a top-down twin stick shooter with a token attempt at a story. The same flaws persist throughout all three games: the enemy AI is flawed with poor pathfinding, the different playable characters are essentially the same, and level design is pretty basic (though the third game has a bit of variety). While the third game has a bit of polish, there's nothing that couldn't be achieved in a free Flash game, nor is this the best example of a top-down shooter.
Overall, the games are playable, and may get you a few hours of enjoyment. The third game is by far the standout of the collection, so if you plan to play them all, make sure you play them in order, as I don't think you'll want to go back to 1 after playing 3.