Super Game

Expertly done. The only thing I can find wrong with this game is that it no longer works with macOS Catalina.
Release Date | 10/16/2012 |
Genres | Adventure, Hidden Object |
Publisher | Specialbit |
DRM · Service | DRM Free |
Version | 1.1 |
Languages | English |
Windows Requirements: |
Windows: OS Version: Windows Vista®, Windows® 7, Windows® 8, Windows® 10 Processor: 1Ghz Memory: 1024Mb Graphics: 256 MB VRAM Disk Space: 1000Mb Sound Card: Is not essential |
Expertly done. The only thing I can find wrong with this game is that it no longer works with macOS Catalina.
This game keeps you engaged from the get go, with an interesting story and a lot of fun and thought-provoking puzzles.
Il gioco è nel vecchio stile: breve, statico, con tanti (forse troppi...) mini-giochi e poche scene con oggetti nascosti. Complessivamente, si tratta di un game con una storia lineare, musiche così così, immagini ben realizzate... e un po' di noia. E' breve, e si riscatta solo grazie al senso complessivo della storia, però penso che oggi questo non sia più sufficiente. Il consiglio è di provarlo soltanto se lo trovate ad un prezzo scontato. A voi la decisione finale.
The game is in the old style: short, static, with many (perhaps too many ...) mini-games and a few scenes with hidden objects. Overall, it is a game with a linear story, as well as music, images well done and a bit 'of boredom. Is redeemed only with the overall meaning of the story, but I think that today this is no longer sufficient. Recommend you try it only if you find it at a discounted price. You have the final decision. (Google translation)