Reviews by XXXXXXXXX

Crusader Kings III: Royal Court

Crusader Kings III: Royal Court

I highly recommend this DLC for anyone who enjoys the role play elements in CK3.

by XXXXXXXXX, United Kingdom - Jan 25th 2025

Thought Experiment Simulator

Thought Experiment Simulator

An engaging and Unique Experience. Never experienced a game that gives you the opportunity to ''pause'', stand still and think about the content and ideas you experienced.

by XXXXXXXXX, United Kingdom - Dec 18th 2024



This is a fun game. The devs were going for the Weekend cartoon from "back in the day" vibe, and got it right.

by XXXXXXXXX, United Kingdom - Dec 27th 2023



DOOM 64 is likely, upon playing, my favorite doom game

It may not have the enemy variety of DOOM 2

It may not have the LUDICROUS speeds you can move in DOOM 1

Nor the action of DOOM 2016 and Eternal

But instead it's gameplay and map design allow for an easily playable, very enjoyable experience that is overall a simple and easy to binge.

by XXXXXXXXX, United Kingdom - Jun 22nd 2022



- Decent Faction Selection (base game has 9 Legendary Lords from 7 different factions).
- Map is very large and allows for diversity in what enemies and friends you come across.
- Individual Faction Mechanics for every faction that adds some flavor to each one.
- Skarbrand the Exiled punting most characters across the map.
- Graphics are pretty good especially on higher settings.
- Modding Community is wonderful.

by XXXXXXXXX, United Kingdom - Jun 22nd 2022

Surviving Mars: In-Dome Buildings Pack

Surviving Mars: In-Dome Buildings Pack

Its a very good dlc. Especially with the new 1x1 hospital center and the 1x1 security center.

by XXXXXXXXX, - Oct 25th 2021

Total War™: THREE KINGDOMS - Mandate of Heaven

THREE KINGDOMS - Mandate of Heaven

Adds interesting new characters and earlier times tro start in, decent addition to the main game.

by XXXXXXXXX, United Kingdom - Sep 30th 2021

Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection

Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection

A fun little collection of Konami's old arcade games, mostly shmups.

by XXXXXXXXX, United Kingdom - Sep 30th 2021

Tropico 6 - The Llama of Wall Street

Tropico 6 - The Llama of Wall Street

Not a bad,DLC, decent amount of content. New Buildings, new Maps, new game mechanics.

by XXXXXXXXX, United Kingdom - Jul 10th 2021

Age of Wonders: Planetfall - Invasions

Age of Wonders: Planetfall - Invasions

Great addition to one of my favourite games. The new race is really interesting. The other additions are solid too.

by XXXXXXXXX, United Kingdom - May 22nd 2021

Age of Wonders: Planetfall - Revelations

Age of Wonders: Planetfall - Revelations

+ New models and maps are well polished and visually distinct.
+ New music tracks are atmospheric and more original than the old ones.
+ Concept art is still amazing.
- Anomalies should have been better integrated into the map and existing special locations, instead of spawning on random empty spots on the map.
- The writing is still atrocious and the lore a mess, despite some interesting premises.

by XXXXXXXXX, United Kingdom - May 22nd 2021

Stellaris: Nemesis

Stellaris: Nemesis

Adds intrigue and subterfuge to Stellaris, and more ways to influence your friends and foes from the shadows. A great balancing mechanic for smaller empires to feel more empowered.

by XXXXXXXXX, United Kingdom - May 20th 2021



Is it a gothic game? No, its far too linear, however some fun can be found, as long as you don't think of it as an elderscrolls or gothic RPG and place so lower expectations on it.

by XXXXXXXXX, - May 1st 2021

Stellaris: Necroids Species Pack

Stellaris: Necroids Species Pack

A new interesting way to play with slaves and some cool civics, plus the Necroids look really cool. I would recommend if you like the other species packs that add new features.

by XXXXXXXXX, - May 1st 2021

Imperator: Rome - Heirs of Alexander Content Pack

Imperator: Rome - Heirs of Alexander Content Pack

It also supports the continued development and gives us big free updates like 2.0 which came out alongside this expansion.

by XXXXXXXXX, - May 1st 2021

Hearts of Iron IV: Battle for the Bosporus

Hearts of Iron IV: Battle for the Bosporus

The focus trees are fun but the nations involved have some more advanced mechanics and can be quite hard to manage. Would recommend, though not necessarily for less experienced players.

by XXXXXXXXX, - May 1st 2021

Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle / カプコン ベルトアクション コレクション

Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle

Capcom, the king of arcade beat-em-ups, compiles their best works in the genre into one comfy, online-capable, HD-worthy package.

by XXXXXXXXX, - Feb 28th 2021

Imperator: Rome - Magna Graecia Content Pack

Magna Graecia Content Pack

Adds nice flavour to certain countries whilst base game continues to be expanded upon with free updates.

by XXXXXXXXX, - Feb 17th 2021

Total War™: WARHAMMER® II - The Twisted & The Twilight

Total War: WARHAMMER II – The Twisted & The Twilight

1) Excellent new units for the wood elves
2) An extremley fun sisters' campaign thanks to the cool start position, the magnificent wood elf rework and the amount of flavour due to narration and quality voice acting
3) Ariel is very nice to look at and fun to use
4) Excellent skaven campaign due to all the reasons mentioned above and a fun mechanic to boot
5) interesting and useful new units, and Glorious Ghorritch, skaven chieftan as well

by XXXXXXXXX, - Feb 4th 2021

Dead Cells: The Bad Seed

Dead Cells: The Bad Seed

3 New biomes, 1 new Boss. Both boss and the biomes with new amazing music. Crapton of creative new weapons abilties and other stuff to unlock and mess around with. New achievments and challenges.

by XXXXXXXXX, - Feb 4th 2021

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